
Let me tell you about June

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Primary Blog/Let me tell you about June

Let Me Tell You About June

And How She Went From Ready To Run To Loving Us And Her Skin

The story I want to tell you in this blog post is about June.  Well that's not her actual name but I promise she is an actual person.

June walked into Elements one day looking unhappy.  She wanted an Ultraceuticals product but she seemed defensive when I asked her for a few details about what she was using.  Really Defensive.  

It wasn't until June said this to me that I understood why.

"Look, I normally go to (another place) to buy this brand but they didn't have the product I need in stock.  To be honest whenever I do go there they talk me into buying things I don't need and don't know how to use.  So I just want this one thing because I use it and like it."

She thought I was about to do exactly the same as them and was preparing to be STRONG, say NO, get the product and RUN. 

And I get that.  We hear stories like that all the time.  That you have been told what you are using is bad and to throw it away.  That you have been made to be made to feel silly because you don't know which product goes after the other or how to apply it. And yes, that you have been sold lots of things you don't need.

But that is not us. 

What did I do for June?  I assured her I didn't want her to take anything she didn't need.  I wrote up a guide to take home so she could use the products she had already purchased.  And of course I sold her that one product that she loved.  

June kept coming back to buy that one product.  She then started a facial treatment plan and now she regularly comes in for her four favorite products as she uses them up.  Her skin looks amazing and she always has a smile. 

In fact just the other day she bought that original favorite product for her friend.  She wants her to be happy too.   

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Hi, I'm Pamela

Owner of Elements Beauty Spa

I love to share our news and knowledge with you about all thins skin, spa and beauty.

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